I was born on 1951, HAM on 1988 (but SWL at 15).
I worked as a technicien in a cold iron plate manufacture ArcelorMittal
(preparing, R & D, topo-maintenance teatcher).
I am now retired.
I walk, i ride, i surf on PC and i like repairing any thing !...
I'm living alone since 2013 (my wife has gone away), but i still like milk !.. HI HI...
- TX 1 : Yaesu FT-950 (HF/50 MHz) + DSP-NIR filter + manual tuner : MFJ-941E +
1 wire square antenna at my window, made with HP cable => it works well
- TX 2 : Yaesu FT-7800 (VHF/UHF) => not yet in work in my new appart.
- 1 color laser print SAMSUNG
- 1 home made PC => working at a very hight speed and has a very big memory