Repeater information
UHF QRP Repeater on Aurélien hill on 430.4125 MHz
It's builded from two Kenwood TK3201 PMR446 transceivers modified to work on HAM bands.
It work 24/24 and power off when the battery are in criticals conditions.
The power is about 2W and it's powered by solar panel and 12V lead battery.
The Aurélien hill is very difficult to attempt, more of 1h30 by hard off road way is needed to join the peak.
I would to build a QRP repeater for low energy consuming (about 800 mA TX, 150mA RX mode).
The antenna is a 0dB Jaybeam.
It will on air from june 2019.
Two Kenwood TK3201 PMR446 transceivers (modified to HAM use)
TX: 430.4125 MHz
RX: 439.8125 MHz
CTCSS: 77.0 Hz
Squelch: -118 dbm
Power: 2W
Kathrein 6 cavity duplexer
TOT: 3 minutes
Antenna: Jaybeam 0dB
Energy: solar panel and 12V lead battery
CW message every 15 minutes: DE F1ZQF/QRP JN23VK K