Since a long time I like listen short waves. I registered as REF member (REF 23818) in 1970.
After a long period as SWL (FE1684) I've got my licence F1DHF in May 1974.
My coach for the licence was F3FW (SK).
I worked on VHF and UHF bands, /p, Oscar satellite etc.. (ex C31RO)
I was active member of F1/F6KCP radio club for several years.
I stopped my trafic in 1982.
Now retired and after a break of 40 years I come back on HF bands .
I registered again as new REF member (REF 62797) in 2021.
I am re-equipping my new station and I hope to contact you soon.
I began my trafic on HF bands on march 5th 2023.
100% QSL (buro, eQSL, LOTW)
"The QSL is the completion of a QSO"
73 to all. mv
Worked DXCCs:
Kenwood TS590 SG - 100w
Micro MC-90
Bencher BY-2 paddle
Home made inverted V dipoles on 10m, 12m, 15m, 17m, 20m and 40m