Very newly licensed ham, having just passed my HAREC exam. At the time of writing this my license isn't yet two weeks old. I'm a member of the National Short Wave Listeners Club, a part of the Irish Radio Transmitters Society, as well as a member of the Mayo Radio Experimenter's Club.
My jumping off point into this hobby was as a result of delving down a YouTube rabbit hole during the lockdown of 2021. I took zoom classes with the NSWLC, and it's wholly down to their tuition that I found myself the proud recipient of an Amateur Radio License. Since then, I've become hooked on CW, having passed my CW examination in March of 2022. Putting the cart before the horse, this was some four months before I even sat the HAREC exam! I'm currently copying at 12-15 wpm and have recently enrolled in a CW Academy class starting September 2022.
Finally in a position to start hitting that key, I sat my HAREC exam 2022-07-09, and on 2022-07-19 my callsign was issued. Education complete, now it's time to start learning how to play radio!
Thanks for viewing my page. Hopefully we'll have a QSO sometime soon.
73 de Eamonn EI7LC
Kenwood TS-130s with VFO-120 External VFO
Yaesu FP-707 Power Supply
W3DZZ 80/40 Trap at 35 feet AGL, Inverted V
Kent KPKT Touch Keyer
Obligatory Baofeng