I was born in 1952 and began as an SWL at age 15. I got my first licence in 1980 (EI5AMB)for VHF/UHF. In 1982 I passed the cw test for my present call. Since then I have been active on all bands and modes.In 2019 my qso count was about 10,250 of which 2600 were via satellite which I began in 2010. I have DXCC mixed (200), 10m (123), 15m (112), 20m (110),CW (104). I have several awards from EQSL including eGrid with 90 grid squares worked via satellite, and always looking for more squares. I use cw, ssb and all data modes from 10m to 70cms. I qsl direct,via the buro,eqsl(ag)and lotw. I use no social media such as facebook etc. Look forward to meeting you 73 gud dx.
Worked DXCCs:
setup1 : rig TS690, FC902 atu antenna 4 el Mosley beam.
setup 2 : rig FT101zd .MFJ 949E atu, antenna AV18VS Vertical.
Setup 3 : TS790A (144/430/1200mhz) antenna 19/9el Tonna x/y yagi with az control.
setup 4 : TS690 for 6m, antenna 5el Tonna yagi.