I've been licenced since 1984 and on the radio whenever time allows. Over the years I've operated mainly on HF with some 2 meter SSB operation (initially using a converted CB with homebrew transverters and amps). I've also operated FSTV, a mode I really enjoyed but a move of QTH in 2000 put an end to FSTV for now.
My XYL and I managed to get away from EI for a few years from 2003 to mid 2006 in our old American Campervan (RV). Probably used the radio more during that time than I had for years, mainly operating PSK31 from EA, F, I, and a few others - even managed PSK when on the move (XYL was driving).
Sadly my XYL is now SK so I've downsized the camper but still operate /M almost every week.
Most operation these days is on the lower bands, mainly SSB, I still operate digimodes but nowadays mainly PSK. I enjoy a good natter rather than chase DX so give me a call if you hear me on the bands !
73 de Craig
TRX: Icom IC 910H, Icom IC 7300 and an Icom IC 756 Pro3.
Amp: Yaesu FL2100Z and a Heathkit SB230.
Ant: HF - 160mtr Doublet or multiband HF Vertical
VHF - 10 element yagi (Vertical & Horizontal)
UHF - 23 element yagi (Vertical & Horizontal)