My name is Miquel, I live in Barcelona. I started with radio as a hobby in the 80s of the last century in CB. Later I got my Amateur Radio license and for a while I did some Packet Radio and FM voice with a couple of WT and some other equipment that temporarily passed through my hands.
I later bought a second-hand Somerkamp FT-757 with its antenna coupler, but due to personal problems I had to put it down for several years, along with my love of radio.
Now that I have been able to do radio again, I have an Icom IC-7300 with which I do PSK, RTTY and other digimodes at the QTH and outs on mobile or portable.
Log Info:
All the contacts uploaded here, are "copies" of the LogBook on my computer. This "is written" automatically at the end of each QSO in PSK or any other digimode that I use, so an error is impossible. Please, before sending me a NIL, check your LOG and contact me. Thanks.
Every day I upload my contacts (LogBook) to this page. I beg you If we had a QSO please confirm it in QRZ Logbook, thanks.
QSL Policy:
I do not send QSL's via bureau, only via,, or ( automatically at the end of the contact), via e-mail or directly. I am sorry.
If you want my QSL via e-mail, send me yours first, it's that easy, he is "visible" at the top of the page ... below the callsign ;-)
If you want my QSL via direct, send me an e-mail to my e-mail address asking me for my personal address and send your QSL first. I answer 100% all. Is appreciated the SAE (Self Addressed Envelope) to save me the work of writing them and also to avoid errors in the postal address and the loss of letters. Do not put or send post stamps, they are not useful for the answer. Don't send me IRC's either, I don't have time to go to my post office to make the change,
I don't have "classic" QSL paper, I'm sorry, but if you want one, I can send you a Barcelona postcard, with QSO contact details on the back. It may be a good opportunity to have a nice postcard of my city, don't you think? ... HIHI
73 and DX
Worked DXCCs:
RX TX: Icom IC-7300
Ant: Portable multiband (80m - 6m) antenna
DMR ID: 214-2928