Originally licensed in 1980 as Novice License EC7AIW, in 1981 I got my "EA" considered Extra License in Spain as "EA7CZR", in December 1990, I have applied for a 2 Letters Callsign, and the Spanish Administration Telecomunicacion Offices, provide me the Callsign "EA7FR".
My QTH is few meters close to the Atlantic Ocean, the City of Cadiz is divided in two Grid Locators, IM66UM y IM66UL, I live in IM66UL, only two (2) Stations are active in this Locator EC7ZL and my Station EA7FR, About my QSL Card you can get, Via Bureau/eQSL/LOTW, or Direct not IRC or $, the way you sent,the way you will receive it, this is a Hobby, not a Business, I will glady confirm QSO via paper QSL
Yaesu FT-757GXII
Yaesu Antenna Tuner FC-707
Yaesu FT-840
Yaesu Antenna Tuner FC-902
Kenwood TS-130S
Kenwood TS-140S
Kenwood Antenna Tuner AT-130
Kenwood TS-430S
Kenwood Automatic Antenna Tuner AT-250
Icom IC-706-MKII
LDG Automatic Antenna Tuner Z-100
Xiegu X108G QRP 20 watts
LDG Automatic Antenna Tuner Z11 for QRP
Ameritron AL-811X - 600 Watts
Kenwood TM-255E all Mode VHF
Sommerkamp SK-212RH FM VHF
Walkies:Standard C-558 and Alinco DJ-7G
HY-Gain D-4 (10 thru 40 Mts Band)
HY-Gain D3W (12-17-30 Mts Band)
Home made Dipole for 80Mts Band
Komunica PWR WD 230- 2-30Mhz
End Fed 10/20/40 mts
Hy-Gain A50-3S (50Mhz Band)
Tonna FT9T (9 Elements for VHF)