I was born on 25 September 1966 in a village in Argentina called San Martin de las Escobas.
At the end of 1981, when I was 15 years old, I obtained my first amateur radio licence with the callsign LU1FAO, novice category. After turning 16 I asked for promotion to intermediate category. At the age of 18 I applied for the general category. Between 1981 and 1986 I was active on the 80; 40 and 10 m bands. The station was located in a rural area, with exceptional listening conditions.
In 2002 I came to live in the Barcelona area (Spain). In 2010 I got back in touch with the radio world as a collector and restorer of old radios (tube radios). In September 2024 I get a new amateur radio license with the callsign EA3IXD. At the moment I am going out as a portable station from the roof of the building where I live and from the mountain.
LU1FA0 equipment:
Superheterodyne double conversion vacuum tubes communications receiver. Bands: 80-40-20-15-10 m. Modes: AM, SSB.
Vacuum tubes transmitter, RF output 3 x 6DQ6, modulation 2 x KT88. Bands: 80-40-20-15-15-10 m. Modes: AM
Transceiver: Yaesu FT-707
Linear amplifier: Yaesu FLDX-2000
80 m dipole, 40 m dipole, 4-element yagui directional with traps for 20; 15 and 10 m bands.
Current equipment:
Transceiver: Yaesu FT-900
Antennas: Kenwood MA-5, Cobweb antenna for 10 m (self-built), dipole with traps for 40; 20 and 10 m (self-built).