Hello dr OM/YL, thank for visit my QRZCQ page.
My name is Francis and I am electronic technician, I work in a research lab of Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC).
My interest in radio began when I was studing electronics in 1981 when I was 15 years old. I passed for the old CB school and I got my novice license (EC3CLB) in 1985.
My interest in radio is operating CW, contesting in CW and RTTY...meanwhile doing some DX if propagation let us HI HI. I love CW, also test home made antennas and fix old equipment. All equipment I have except FTdx3000 has been buy defect and repaired by me. It's a good feeling to bring something back to life hi..
Except in contests an Pile ups Dx, I don't like 5NN's, I like to know the name of my friends.
Good luck and heard you in the bands,
73 Francis
Worked DXCCs:
Yaesu FTdx3000, FT1000D, FT102. Normally 100W
for 4m FTV901 6 meters module modified to 70MHz.
Antennas: Hexbeam up to 10mts, 40m rigid dipole, 30m,80m double bazooka, 4m band dipole