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Ham since 1999.
Secretary of the local radio club "TRB" Bijeljina, E77TRB
My first call-sign was YT4SAS until 2004. after, it was E73SSL and now is E77LS.
Worked DXCCs:
HF: Yaesu FT-991 Yaesu FT-710
Rotary dipole 17 and 12 m
G5RV multiband dipole
Hygain TH3MK3 beam
W3DZZ antenna for 80 and 40 m
Kenpro KR-600 rotator
Motorola Spectra, Kenwood TM-V7A
Tokyo Hy-Power amplifier HL-200V
Diamond x510N antenna
Diamond D-130J, antenna
5 elements 6 m yagi,
8 elements 2 m yagi