Licensed since 2006...working dmr, 70cm and 2m with max. 35/75 watts and 6, 10, 15, 80, 160 m
with max. 100 watts in ssb and digi modes
real time upload to, Clublog, eQSL and LotW if there are no issues in my system
QSL by buro DOK H60 just 1 or 2x a year
I love the old school direct Paper QSL, it would be a pleasure to send you one after E-Mail request,there is nothing to pay for
hope to cu on air
Worked DXCCs:
Kenwood TS 890 with BD200 Microphone
Icom IC 7100 with Heil GM4 Microphone
Yaesu FT-7900 for mobil FM v/uhf with original Mic.
AnyTone AT-D868UV with DMR
2 x 27 m Dipol 12,5 m agl on 10-160 m
Imax 2000 vertical on 10m, homebrewed T2LT vertical on 15m
YU1CF 6m4DX 4el.Yagi on 6m
YU1CF Dualband Yagi PA 144-432-36-6BG 11el. 2m / 25el. 70cm
Diamond X510 vertical