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The station comprises an Kenwood TS-440S (KW) and an Yaesu VX2R (2 m - 70 cm).
The Antenna for KW is a HyGain TH11DX from 10 m - 20 m included WARC and a Dipol FD - 4 from 10 m - 80 m, a 160m Fullsize Dipol and a 80m Fullsize Dipol.
They are 15 Meters over ground. The Vertikal for 2 m and 70 cm is 1,50 m long.
My favourite is KW SSB, PSK and RTTY.
Please visit my website and please sign my guestbook. www.do8la.de.tl
QSL via Bureau or direct.
Also you can send it direct ( only with SASE ) or LotW and eQSL.