Welcome to my Page!
proud ham radio operator since 2019
Ham Radio - best hobby!!!
Besides good old vocal QSO, I like short and local contests, QRP, and feldhell. FT8 is ok, nothing more, nothing less. I do a "little soldering", too, but not on an expert level. And I'm a shortwave listener (DE7DLZ).
Ok, you can call me an "Icom Fanboy" - I am using the IC-7300, IC-9700, and the IC-705, and I like them very much. Easy to use, full of features, and enough performance for me.
QSL: I still prefer the good old paper cards (via bureau is ok), but I am also using LotW.
RIgs I am working with: IC7300, IC9700, IC705, TS-50, FT-891
My Antennas:
- Duoband Dipol 80/15m
- Inverted L on the CG-3000 tuner
- A cheap 5/8 Vertical for 10m
- 2 Triple Legs, one for 2m and one for 70cm
...and some Yagis, HB9CV, Big Wheels, and stuff for portable operations.
Memberships and achievements
I'm a member of the DARC (German Radio Association), regional group K33 (Nierstein).
Also member #6545 of the Feld Hell Club.
My two most important diplomas are the DXCC100 and the DLD400.
There are more, like the local "Holzhammer" Dilpoma, WAE II mixed, and many others.
Hope to hear you on the bands! 73, and good DX!
Worked DXCCs:
...and more for portable