Born 1940.
Married. Two daughters. One grandson, one granddaughter.
HAM since 1954. Lincensed since 1957 (first time) /call:DM3YBL.
From 1962 to 1970 radio officer/ merchant marine/ company
Deutsche Seereederei Rostock (DSR )/ exGDR.
Worked aboard of following merchant vessels:
MV”Theodor Körner (1)” / DHZW (second radio officer),
MV „Warnow“/ DCZI,
MV “Havel”/ DCZY,
MV “Kormoran”/ DHWE,
MV “Frieden” /DHWT,
MV „Malchow“/ DDWN.
The time during the merchant marine has been the
best part of my life (the last years of somewhat sailor´s
From 1959 to 2006 no ham- activity . 2007 got back my
license with former call: DM3YBL. I am glad about it.
Prefer cw but some times psk31,wspr.
Hobbies: Ham, camping by caravan with radio /p.
Operating from camping sites for example:
REINSBERG nr Dresden, Karlshagen/ Usedom / iota 129/
baltic sea etc.
The little village REINSBERG is also the meeting point of
DSR- sailors (once the year on june).
Please look the web-site: !!
Rig: Yaesu FT 587D, FT 767GX
Ant (home): dipole on the balcony (Cap. shorted, southwest direction)
Ant (mostly portable): lw (f.e. 21 meters), Hustler mobil vertical
Keys: sideswiper (home made), sideswiper Kent