Hello all,
my name is Jochen (John) and I was born in 1951, ham since 1989.
1970 - 1973 join the army and became a telegraphy/rtty operator, instructor later.
1978 - finished a german navigation school as graduated engineer for ship's electronic
and maritime communication as well as radio officer (2nd class).
Since that time, I've been at sea as a radio officer in the merchant marine, upgrade to 1st class radio officer later. Due to well known reasons (maritime satellite communication began in the eighties), I had to change my job in the year of 1993 and became an electrician engineer aboard.
In between, worked as surveyor in south korean and chinese shipyards for german shipping companies too, from 2005 to 2009.
Finally, retired from sailor's life in 2010.
So, I'm going to enjoy my hobbies now .... (amateur radio, motor biking, gardening).
Icom IC-7410, at home with magnetic loop antenna.
Kenwood TS-480, portable in my garden with windom antenna.
Favoured mode is - of course - telegraphy.