Hello, I'm Roland, thank you for dropping by.
You will find me primarily on the HF bands. My radio interests are antennas,
HAM radio literature, a little bit of 'homebrewing' and transceiver repair. I got my license in 2002.
I'm a retired datacenter engineer, married, have three children and four grandchildren.
Have several radios and use them regularly:
Kenwood TS-830S, TS-780, IC-728, IC-821H, Yaesu FT-7B and Drake TR-4C. Additionally the Yaesu FT-817 and FT-857 for portable activities.
I use the following CW Keys: Junker: Straight Key, Schurr: Profi I, Portable and Bug, Palm: Pico Key and Paddle.
The radio logging program is UCXLog by DL7UCX.
I'm a member of the AGCW community.
73 es gud dx - Roland
Portable activities:
2002/03/14 M/DL6SRD (nr London)
2003 SV9/DL6SRD (Crete Isl. EU015)
2004 SV8/DL6SRD (Samos Isl. EU049)
2005 DL6SRD/W2 (NYC)
2006 DL6SRD/P (Foehr Isl. EU042)
2008/11/16 IK2/DL6SRD (Lago Di Garda)
2010 EA6/DL6SRD (Mallorca Isl. EU004)
2010/14 CT7/DL6SRD (Algarve)
2017 I2/DL6SRD (Lago Di Garda)
2018/19/20 DL6SRD/P (Bodensee)
TS-830S, TS-780, IC-728, IC-821H, TR-4C, FT-857D , FT-817
FT-7B, SG-Lab converter and PA for QO-100
Wire Vertical 10m
Wimo Dualband Yagi 2m/70cm VU-LFA23
Diamond Vertical X50
100cm Dish and Dualfeed Antenna for QO-100