Previous calls:
DM3TVL 1977-1979, my first call sign (sub call of club station DM3VL)
Y48TL 1980-1983, changed by demands of the political administration
Y28JL 1983-1986, first "individual" call sign
Y28JO 1986-1991, I moved from Dresden to Berlin
DL7VTL 1991-2002, new call sign after reunification of Germany
Icom IC-7400
Icom IC-7000
Yaesu FT-7900
Kenwood TM-D700E
Leixen VV-898
QYT 8900D
Baofeng GT-3TP
23cm portable: Transverter LZ5HP, double Quad, Yagi 13 dBd
2m/70 cm portable: lightweight Yagi 2+3 ele and 4+5 ele, design by DK7ZB
home made G5RV + Butternut HF5B
home made 2*7 ele Yagi (h/v) on 2m, deswign by DK7ZB
2*17 ele HARC Yagi (h/v) on 70 cm
Diamond X500