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home QRZCQ - The database for radio hams 
2024-07-23 14:35:47 UTC









Active user

activity index: 0 of 5

Thomas Will
Tennenloher Weg 4
91126 Rednitzhembach

image of db4ll

Call data

Previous call:DO4WLL
Last update:2021-04-21 13:29:04
QTH:near Nuremberg
Main prefix:DL
DXCC Zone:230
ITU Zone:28
CQ Zone:14

QSL data

Last update:2018-05-29 09:26:56
German DOK:B13: Franken Schwabach
Bureau QSL:YES
Direct QSL:YES
Extra QSL Info:Paper QSL preferred. SWL reports welcome.


Previous call (novice license): DO4WLL
SWL Callsigns used: DL-B13-3180122, DE4WLL

*** BIOGRAPHY ***********************************
1967: Born
2006: Married
2014: Daughter Julia

2013: Start with SWL activities (BC SWL with Sangean ATS909)
2014: First old tube radio repaired and used for SWL
2014: Loan from DO3SPR: Tube-based radio receiver Hallicrafters SX-100
2017: Widended my SWL Focus - now also amateur radio bands

01/2018: Acquired used Yaesu FRT-7700 Receiver
01/2018: (Guest) Membership in DARC
02/2018: Started with digimode SWL
02/2018: Antenna planning / analysis / optimizations
03/2018: First contest participation (Russian DX Contest in CW, as SWL)
03/2018: Acquired used Yaesu FT-840 transceiver
04/2018: Next contests as SWL: SP DX in CW, OK-OM-DX in SSB
04/2018: Successfully passed exam for class E / Novice license
04/2018: Received 1st offical callsign DO4WLL
05/2018: First QSOs in PSK and Hell - thanks to OE5HDL, S56IPS, DO7BJJ...
05/2018: Active contest participation in European PSK DX Contest
06/2018: Delta Loop for 15m
06/2018: Further QSOs and contests in PSK and RTTY, also on 15m
06/2018: First steps in FT8
07/2018: First SSB contacts, on 15m
09/2018: Becoming portable, with 10m GFK mast
09/2018: First Mini-FieldDay, during CQ RTTY Contest
10/2018: Inverted-L trials on 80m, with promising results
10/2018: Acquired new Yaesu FT-817 transceiver, for SOTA and VHF/UHF activities
10/2018: First steps on 70cm and 2m bands
10/2018: Participated in CQ WW SSB Contest - 146 QSOs / 42 DXCCs / 4 continents
11/2018: DIY DoubleQuad for 2m built and optimized, first contest participations
12/2018: Participation in Top10 DX SWL contest - #1 in Germany, incl. T-Shirt :-)

01/2019: Listenting to satellite QSOs on SO-50 and FO-29 with DIY 7el Yagi
02/2019: some focus on FeldHell activities
02/2019: 100 QSOs in CQ WPX RTTY Contest
03/2019: Digimode QSOs / ragchews in Olivia, Contestia, DominoEX, THOR, PSK
04/2019: Installed temporary 39m EndFed with DIY 1:49 UNUN
04/2019: DIY 5el Yagi for 2m (first step towards 2x 5el Yagi)
05/2019: Sold FRG-7700 and tuner
05/2019: Participation in RDRC Digital Activity Days in 12 different digimodes
06/2019: 1000th QSO
08/2019: First "DXpedition" during AlpeAdriaContest as OE/DO4WLL on 2m
08/2019: First SOTA activitation (DM/BM-374, on 2m FM)
09/2019: Upgraded to full license -> new callsign DB4LL
09/2019: Participation as operator in MultiOp contest station DK2A/p for FieldDay contest
09/2019: First steps on 20m and 40m in digimodes
10/2019: SOTA Expedition "light" - 3 summits in our area
10/2019: My personal favorite on HF: Scandinavian Activity Contest, now on 20/40/80m
10/2019: Aquired used Yaesu FT-950 transceiver, first successful tests in WAG SSB contest
10/2019: Enjoyed particiaption in CQ WW SSB (251 QSOs in 8h / 48000 Pts./ 4 diff. antennas)
11,12/2019: Further SOTA expeditions, another 6 summits in our area

01/2020: Participation in DARC 10m contest, as part of DARC club championship
02/2020: Digimode interface adapted for my Yaesu FT-950
02/2020: Participation in CQ WW 160m contest (110 QSOs, 28 DXCCs in 4h, ODX 2590km)
03,04/2020: Antenna experiments and QSOs on 20m/40m -> first time JA, BY
03,04/2020: Several contests (Russian DX SSB, CQ WPX SSB, EA RTTY, OK/OM DX)
04/2020: First virtual local club meeting (due to Covid-19), presentation on my 160m SSB contest participation
04,04/2020: Participation in several Hope QSO Parties (SSB, RTTY)
05/2020: Participation in local "Frankencontest" on 2m and 70cm (first time)
05,06/2020: Next SOTA activiations - 5 summits in our area
06/2020: "Dxpedition" during vacation on the North Sea coast, 2m activities from 9m above MSL ;-)
06/2020: First 6m QSOs (FT8, ODX UR 1810km, DIY delta loop)
07/2020: SOTA Expedition to OK/DL area, 11 summits in 3 days
07..09/2020: Several HF antenna trials, incl. use of WSPR
09/2020: New items - speech compressor for FT-817, relais box antenna switch for HF
09,10/2020: Participation in several contests (IARU 2m, Field Day, WAE SSB, CQ WW SSB)
11/2020: Added used 2m PA (170W) to my equipment
11,12/2020: Several SOTA winter activations
12/2020: Starting with SDR, Discone antenna -> NOAA & Oscar satellites (Rx only)

01/2021: Presentation on SOTA on DARC.TREFF.DE
02,03/2021: Further SOTA activations - spring weather :-)
03/2021: Participation in Veron SWL Contest using Hallicrafters SX_100 and Beverage
03/2021: Some hours in CQ WPX SSB Contest on 15/20/40/80m
04/2021: Further trials re. reception of LEO amateur satellites - part of new "focus activity"

*** RADIO INTERESTS *****************************
- Gaining experience
- Digimodes
- Antennas
- Portable activities
- Contesting (just for the fun)

*** OTHER INTERESTS *****************************
- My family
- Astronomy
- Electronics (incl tubes)
- Railroad & model RR
- Postcrossing, penpalling...
- Hiking
- Geology


- Yaesu FT-950
- Yaesu FT-840
- Yaesu FT-817 (for VHF and SOTA)
- Kenwood TS-700
- 5W CW kit QCX (partly built up, o hold)
- 30W PAs for 2m and 70cm, 170W PA for 2m
- HF: different temporary antennas (42m Endfed, ZS6BKW, Inverted-L 80m/160m, 20m GP, several Delta Loops,...)
- 2m: DoubleQuad DIY, 2x5el Yagi DIY
- 70cm: 10el DK7KB Yagi, 7el Yagi DIY
- Tuner MFJ 949-E, LDG-100Pro
- 23cm transverter SG-Labs

*** SWL ACTIVITIES ********************
- Yaesu FRG-7700 -> SOLD
- Hallicrafters SX-100
- Antennas as above plus Discone plus 70m Beverage
- DIY magnetic Loop
- and also using transceiver equipment above

Other images

second pic
DB4LL / Pic 2

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