Hamer since 1998, with Extra Class. QTH in Lisbon, near the Tejo river and North Atlantic.
I hope to find you in the HF bands, either SSB, CW or PSK31. I'm a great fan of CW, and I've made several DX QSO's in that mode, running only 5 W. Take the code, listening, understand it and practice.
I only use low power in the schack, no amp's, 100 W on pic, that´s the challenge. You must be patient. Don't forget to send me your QSL card, I will appreciate that.
Stay tuned,
Life is too short, live it... See u on air
All the best, 73
Worked DXCCs:
- Icom IC-737
- Yaesu FT-897
- Yaesu FT-857
- Yaesu FT-101
- Yaesu FT-817 QRP
- Icom IC-T7H V/U portable
- KENT iambic dual paddle, CW
- ETM 5-C electronic key, CW
- Hi-Mound 708 straight key, CW
- Hi-Mound BK-100 Bug, CW
- Hi-Mound MK-701, CW
- CT-599 iambic dual paddle, CW
My antennas:
- Diamond X 50 V/U
- Windom 10-40 m
- Windom 10-80 m
- Longwire around 30 m long
- Sky loop for 20 m
- GP-3, Ground Plane 10, 15 e 20 m