I am a born again believer in the Christ, Jesus.
I am a Native American and Choctaw Tribe of Oklahoma member, and also have Scottish and Swedish heritage.
I am a scientist and engineer by degree, and have worked in the information technology field since the mid 1980s.
I have prior military service in the US Army Reserve, 95B Military Police Staff Sergeant (USAR, 5th Army (NorCom), 90th ARCOM, 302d MP Co), and am a present and active member of the Texas State Guard (TXSG 1st Brigade). I am also a member of American Legion, American Legion Amateur Radio Club, Life member of State Guard Association of Texas (SGAT), State Guard Association of the United States (SGAUS), Life Member and Founder of Tri-County Amateur Radio Club WC5C, American Radio Relay League (ARRL). I also served many years in Texas Baptist Men Disaster Relief.
I frequent the Texas Traffic Net and 7290 Traffic Net, participate in some local nets, and really enjoy portable operation (field operations) including the US Islands project (, and Summits on the Air (SOTA), as well as ARRL Field Day.
Outdoorsmanship is my best joy; hiking, backpacking, canoeing, fishing, camping, exploring. I live in a cabin on the Brazos River.
Worked DXCCs:
Kenwood TS-480SAT, Hustler 6BTV Antenna, and a Random Wire horizontal in the treetops with remote MFJ-993 Autotuner. Sometimes I operate an IC-7200 as well, or use buddies QRP rigs. I do operate mobile and portable.