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home QRZCQ - The database for radio hams 
2024-07-22 22:47:59 UTC









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Hector Padron

Lake Worth 33463
United States, FL

united states
image of ad4c

Call data

Last update:2018-08-07 16:38:30
Main prefix:K
Federal state:FL
US county:Palm beach
DXCC Zone:291
ITU Zone:8
CQ Zone:5
ULS record:224668

QSL data

Last update:2018-08-07 16:47:31
Bureau QSL:no
Direct QSL:YES


I was born and raised in Habana capital of Cuba ( and started on hamradio when I was just 13 years old and my old man (RIP) pushed me up to follow his tradition which I did for more than 25 years until I emigrated to the US looking for a better way of life and where I have been living for 27 years and I got my ham licence as soon as I arrived.

I'm currently residing in Lake Worth, Florida and employed by Palm Beach County as radio technician working at the Radio Shop.

My background is in Public Safety Communications and my experience is in Motorola trunking systems. I have 26 years in this field.

Formerly worked during 20 years for the City of West Palm beach as the only radio tech keeping a smartnet trunking system with more than 1200 users from where I retired and started to work for PBC on same field.

I hold the FCC GROL License since 1999.

I currently own and operate an analog/digital mixed mode VHF repeater on 145.230 PL 88.5 located at Mangonia Park, Palm beach county with 500’ AGL.

If you wish to use it in digital mode protocol mototurbo, use CC1 in your radio and program TG1 for slot 1 and TG2 for slot 2.

The repeater is a Hytera with 30W output covering the entire Palm beach county.

My main and only radio at the shack , is the new IC-7610.

Naci en la ciudad de la Habana, capital de Cuba ( y comenze en la radioaficion a la edad de 13 annos cuando mi padre y mentor me ayudo a continuar su tradicion lo cual hize por mas de 25 annos hasta que emigre a los EU en busca de mejor calidad de vida y donde he estado viviendo por 27 annos y obtuve mi primera licencia de radioaficionado a solo un mes de haber llegado en el 1991.

Resido actualmente en la ciudad de Lake Worth y trabajo como tecnico de radio en el condado Palm beach en el taller de radiocomunicaciones.

Mi experiencia en este pais en el campo de las comunicaciones ha sido desde que llegue en Seguridad Publica concretamente en sistemas troncales (trunking) de radios Motorola durante 27 annos.

Antes de trabajar en el condado, trabaje durante 20 annos para la ciudad de West Palm beach realizando la misma tarea donde mantuve un sistema troncal Motorola smartnet con trece repetidores mas unos 1200 radios en el sistema analogo FM de donde me jubile en el 2011.

Ademas de mi licencia de radioaficionado, tambien tengo la licencia comercial de radiocomunicaciones GROL desde el 1999 que me capacita para trabajar como radiotecnico

en sistemas de radio en todo el espectro radioelectrico.

Actualmente poseo un repetidor Hytera trabajando en la frecuencia 145.230 en el modo mixto FM analogo y DMR con una potencia maxima de 30W subiendo hacia la antenna situada a 500 pies ( 150 metros ) de altura cubriendo el condado de Palm beach, aproximadamente cien kms a la redonda.

Para poder operar mi repetidor su radio tendra que ser programado de la siguiente forma:

Para FM

Frec del RX 145.230 Mhz

Frec del Tx 144.630 Mhz

Tono de conexion 88.5

Para DMR

Codigo de colores 1

Codigos de TG y slots:

slot 1 TG1

slot 2 TG2

My estacion actual para HF consta de un Icom modelo IC-7610, un amplificador lineal italiano marca SPE modelo 1.3K asi tambien como un sintonizador de antenas PalStar modelo AT2KD.

Mi unica antena actualmente es un alambre largo de 49 pies ( 14.8 metros ) alimentado en un extremo por un balun con relacion 9 a 1 de la compania Balun designs trabajando desde 80 hasta 10 metros.


My antennas are a dual band 40/20 M dipole at only 20 feet up and an AN99 vertical for 10 to 17M bands.
To be able to brake the pile ups and work easily the dx stations I use as an amp the Acom 1010 for a clean 800W PEP signal driven with 80W from the K3.

Thanks for reading my bio and don't forget that the radioamateur operator should be:

•CONSIDERATE. Never knowingly operates in such a way as to lessen the pleasure of others.
•LOYAL. Offers loyalty, encouragement and support to other amateurs, local clubs and the American Radio Relay League, through which Amateur Radio in the United States is represented nationally and internationally.
•PROGRESSIVE. With knowledge abreast of science, a well-built and efficient station and operation above reproach.
•FRIENDLY. Slow and patient operating when requested; friendly advice and counsel to the beginner; kindly assistance, cooperation and consideration for the interests of others. These are the hallmarks of the amateur spirit.
•BALANCED. Radio is an avocation, never interfering with duties owed to family, job, school, or community.
•PATRIOTIC. Station and skill always ready for service to country and community.

73/DX from


Other images

second pic
AD4C / This is my new amp from Acom, made in Bulgaria

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