My 6th grade teacher Mr. Heyboer KF8EV had a radio in the class room. When we did our social studies lessons on other country's he would turn on the radio and we would be talking with that country we were studying about. I was fascinated by this, especially because Mr. Heyboer was legally blind! I had no idea that at the age of 12 when I first saw Mr. Heyboer operate the radio, that I could get my license and operate as well, but I knew when I "grew up" I wanted to get into Ham Radio! Well. when I grew up life got busy with college, and after college starting a career and family. But I never forgot Mr. Heyboer and that Ham Radio in 6th grade.
I received my Technician License in July of 2010, General in August of 2010 and finally the Extra in November of 2010. Initially I knew Ham Radio allowed me to communicate directly to other people all over the world. I also knew it would be good to know how to operate the bands for emergency purposes. I am still learning how impressive it is that we use RF technology combined with God's creation to make contact between two points.
I am a Network Engineer by trade and electronics and communication have always been of interest to me. I probably have too many hobbies. They would include spending time with my wife and children. Playing Guitar on the worship team at the Church I attend. Hunting, firearms, camping hiking, and watching Football, Baseball and Basketball. I am a huge Steelers, Pistons and Tigers fan, and have Season Tickets to Michigan State football!
My favorite Mode is CW, but you will find me on SSB as well.
For CW I operate mostly 40m-15m. I almost always operate 50w or lower on CW. I am a member of the SKCC (Straight Key Century Club), and absolutely love working toward the SKCC awards!
Worked DXCCs:
Elecraft K3
Yeasu FT-950
Yeasu FT-857d
Icom 208h
Icom IC-91A
Ameritron AL-811
Palstar AT2k
Arrow Anenna dual band J-pole
Carolina Windom 80-10
OCF -40-10