First licensed as KA7ZFD in early 1980's - (if you have any old QSO records with that old call, please let me know- I have lost them in moving about 15 years ago).
Utah State RACES #195
Salt Lake County ARES
Cottonwood Heights Amateur Radio Club
OMISS #10690
VHF, UHF, Dstar all battery powered for emergency ops.
HF Yaesu FT450D (barefoot 100 watts until the amp is finished.)
IF output added for SDR pan adapter, it is linked to computer to control radio through DX Labs suite - the best system available, and it is free.
Heathkit HW-101, my first HF rig and recently rebuilt, it now runs beautifully. I try to use it at least once a week to keep it stable. Real radios glow in the dark!
Various wide band scanners including more SDR's.
Just obtained Heathkit SB201 amp and am going through it to give a bit more power out in these poor band conditions.
Old Hi-gain 5 band vertical ('70's vintage, rebuilt) and 80 meter OCF Windom wire antennas. The wish is for a Hex-beam next.