Last activity: 4/5th September 2021
Last activity:8th. August 2021.
Last activity : 20th.Sept. 2020.
Last activity : 5/6.Sept.2020.
Last 2019.
Last activity:21.April 2019.
SOTA 9A/IH007 ( 4 points )
05th August 2018, my small amateur radio fammily crue where again on the top off Velebit mountain, working in Alpe Adria VHF contest.
JN74LT peak Veliki Zavižan 1676m asl
SOTA 9A/PH-002
9AFF-0008 ( National Park North Velebit)
199 QSO in the contest and two more stations before 7 hours of contest time where made , with simple equipment 9el. Tonna @ 25W.
Italian station made constant QRM all ower band ( on my side no preamplifirer ) from distance of 300km, wonder how was in Italy?
See you next time.
1. upload as mouch as posible worked QSO in LoTW.
I was part off 9A17B crue 19-21.May 2017.
Ses 9A17B dx-pedition to Brijuni islands
9AFF-0001 ( also 9ANP-0001 )
Croatian Islands CI-139 Veli Brijun
Lighthouse LH-1651
Also have privilege for first activation ever of Croatian Island Galija CI-278 on my owen callsign 9A2KI/p ( IOTA EU-110 )
( together with 9A2NA/p and 9A2MF/p )
Amateur radio operator since 1980.
First callsign YU2KI
Member of 9A1CRS , Radio Club " Slavonski Brod ". ex ( YU2CRS )
SKCC Straight Key Century Club #12919
Member of KIKI #95
I like contesting ( mostly VHF / p ) and HF
Also home made and all kind of antennas..
Last job :3el.Line Up Quad Antenna for 14MHz ( LUQA by 9a2ki )...
Before job: GP antenna for 3,5MHz (19.2m)high,
5el LineUp Quad Antenna for 10m.
( soee down picture , work in progres )
Next project 10el LineUp Quad for 15m band.
From February 2015.started again with SATellite operation.
Few times heard Joe K3SZH and once UA0SUN : via AO-7 sat.
Also looking for 73 at AO-73 sat award ( have 56 diferent stations worked ( 05th Mar.Completed 73 contact via AO-73 sat (12.Mar.2015 )
Working vi FO-29 , but antenna set-up is not very good for this sat.
I am very proud on my new web page ( in progres :
Worked in Gagarin Contest 2015.
Interesting is optional Sat operation like aditional band.
Worked UN9L station via AO-73 sat ( distance is 4.600km )
If someone have info about longer QSO via AO-73 sat please let me know ( every info about long-distance conntact via sat is interesting to me , so please send me to my mail
My last LONG DISTANCE QSO via satellite:
R0RQ Boris OO22AK 6000km
FO-29 sat CW 10:17GMT
temporarly sat antenna setup:
144MHz: 25W 9el Yagi-Uda F9FT preamp
432MHz: 10W dualQuad DL7KM no pream
See you via Satellite
Just completed my 1000th QSO via sat ( : Robert
W. Barbee Jr. (W4AMI) Satellite
Operator Achievement Award )
Also have some fun to try to work via CAMSAT ( bouqet off 6+3 new AMSATs: very fast small birds...
Now have some free time to impruve my Sat. setup and prepared for winter long nights
Just made ( September 2016. ) stacking cabel for 2x9el Yagi-Uda, and my friend
9A4DF Marjan,
finshed preamplifirer with MGF1302, all for 432MHz.
Much better signal reading via FO-29 sat, and better pass trough oldtimer AO-7 with only 10W.
UA0SUN Vlad and R0RQ Boris, are made via AO-7 : abt 6000km distance.
Now is time for my transatlantic QSO via Satellite...
K3SZH Joesef -few times, KB1RVT Nick, VE1SKY Roger, WB2SIH William, W2GIO Francis : are allready heard via AO-7.
See you via AMSAT.
27th.Sept. 2016:received masage from Chris NK1K that he copied my signal via AO-7 sat.
Equipment here was : tx: 432MHz TR9500 10W,horizotaly polarised 2x9el Yagi-Uda stacked with Power Divider ( made by my friend Marjan 9A4DF )
rx: 144MHz FT290R II,horizontaly polarised 9el Yagi-Uda Tona+ preamplifirer
Many thanks to KB1RVT Nick , AO-7 satellite, my new ODX 6770km , and finaly ( after several try ) transatlantic QSO is made via AMSAT.
Also in the same pass I copy K3SZH Josef nice 58, but my up signal ( 10W at 432MH ) was not enough when sat goes down near horizon ( some big trees scattered it)) But it is interesting: I can hear down signals at 144MHz.
06th Nov.2016: After put my antennas on better position for west side : made my new ODX via Satellite:thanks to KB1PVH Dave , AO-7 sat,FN42CD 6839km.
But still my opinion is that 10W output power is to small for goes more than 7000km?
Please if someone have data about ( or expirience ) let me know..!?
Many thanks to Chris, NK1K for my first FO-29 Satellite transatlantic QSO.
He wants to try his new preamlifirer in DX conditions.NEW sat DXCC for him...
Sat was about 1280 km high at the moment of QSO.
Perfect day for Sporadic E over EU: 16.June 2017.
Started with RW3TJ RW3VM RV3IG. Few minutes after OH3JG cw , ES1II/8 and pile-up OH stations: OH2FNR OH1AXT OH1AYQ OH1OP OH1ND ( thanks Juha for spotting ) OH3LWP. Than mix of YL3AG LY5G OF1XT OF3BCK OH3JR (ssb signal 59+40dB ) UA2FL cw , OF3DP OH2FQV YL2OK ( with little help of Zlatko 9A2SB )
Than strted western side: LA3EQ OZ1BUR OZ1BEF OH2LIY G4ASR LA2IMA and again OZ1BEF signal goes to ful of RIG instrument...
Sporadic was longer on,but rain started and my fully /p operation on nearby field stoped...
I worked in many sporadic E but this was never before good for 9A as I know...
Simple equipment 25W and 9el Yagi-Uda antenna + preamplifirer , gave me great pleasure...
Thanks to all station I worked and to Zlatko, 9A2SB for asistance in few QSOs..
See you in next VHF contests and activity days...
Icom IC-706MKIIG
Home Made QRP RIG 2W Output CW 3,5MHz ( my first RIG on my owen call )
Yaesu FT-901DM.
transverter for 2m
Yeasu FT-290R ll for /p operation ( max 25W output )
TR-9500 for 70cm ( 10W Output power)
OMPOWER-2500 linear amplifirer( temprarly out of function, nead new blower )
Gp for 80m ( 19.2m high )
GP for 40m ( using also on 10 and 15m band )
Dipole for 40m
5el Line Up Quad for 10m (cw ), fix on USA
dipole for 20m
3el LINEup Quad for 20m, fied on USA
inverted vee for 80m ( using for 160m )
LW 80m long about 5m up
50MHz 2el. Qubical Quad ( made by 9A4DF )
loogp yagi uda antennas for 2m and 70cm
9 and 10el Yagi-Uda F9FT Tona for 144MHz
4x9el Elrad Yagi-Uda for 144MHz (thanks to 9A3KX ( Buco-SK ))
4x16el Tona for 144MHz (reparation in progres)( 3 already repaired )
if someone want reparation for TONNA ( F9FT ) Yagi_Uda pse conntact me
( reparation in pictures on my Facebook page. ISTOK KAPOV (9A2KI ))---------Facebook make me very bad and I kil my fb page---------- so will put this picture on my page
19el Yagi-Uda 432MHz ( DL6WU looklike ) made by my friend Marjan 9A4DF.
2x23el Yagi-Uda ( DL6WU like ) 432MHz
4x5el Loop Yagi Ud in front of reflection wall for 70cm
2x9el Yagi-Uda stacked for 432MHz + ( preamplifirer with MGF1302 by 9A4DF )