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home QRZCQ - The database for radio hams 
2024-09-09 03:23:37 UTC









Active user

activity index: 0 of 5

Michael Jäger

224-0036 Yokohama-shi
Japan, Kanagawa-ken

image of 7j1ads

Call data

Last update:2014-11-18 21:55:13
Main prefix:JA
Federal state:Kanagawa-ken
DXCC Zone:339
ITU Zone:45
CQ Zone:25

QSL data

Last update:2013-01-14 05:23:28
Bureau QSL:YES
Direct QSL:YES


Thank you very much for looking up my callsign. My nationality is German. I have been licensed since 1981, starting with DD9IP ( Klasse C ) and upgraded to DF2UT ( Klasse B ; Class-1 ) in 1982. I am a member of DARC and JARL. For those who collect also German DOKs: I belong to DOK K17 (Speyer). If you have a time don`t miss to check out the HP of this lovely and historic city.

I am an active ham in Japan since 1986 with some QRX between. From end of 2001 till end of 2008 I activated 7N4OGU ( Class-2 ). Since December 16th 2008 I am licensed Class-1 having taken the opportunity to gain back my previous callsign 7J1ADS.

I am QRV from 160m to 13cm. However, on November 15th 2014 I started changing my antenna setup completely. Having been struggling with the very low quality of especially the Nagara HF Yagi I had decided to get rid of the present antenna constellation and getting back to my roods - German engineering quality and durability. The tower is now solely and completely dedicated to 10m till 40m HF bands by Optibeam yagis. For 160m, 80m and 6m bands I will be targeting solutions within 2015. VUSHF will be subject to 2016, depending also on the expected launch of very interesting satellites scheduled within that period.
I am allowed to run 1kW from 160m to 10m, 500W on 6m, 50W on 2m and 70cm, 10W on 23cm, and 2W on 13cm. For EME I am especially granted to run 500W on 2m and 70cm. In general there is no mode I don`t activate. You can find me via OSCAR as well.

I am not a big fan of eQSL and want them to be understood only as a preconfirmation to our QSO! Therefore I only consider a QSO officially confirmed by exchanging QSL cards via bureau or direct. So please kindly respect this rule and refrain from sending me Emails asking me to apply for authenticity guaranteed status of my callsign.

All QSL cards via bureau or direct reaching me will be 100% replied. Also SWL reports are most welcome! You don`t need to enclose any money or stamps in your direct QSL, but a self-addressed envelope would be highly appreciated. It will be my pleasure to reply any direct QSL on my own, because it`s all about give and take in ham spirit.

You also have the opportunity to check my online log:
Along with LOTW it is now being updated on a just-in-time basis.
Please also feel free to send me an Email for any technical discussion or know-how exchange.


= RIG =
Yaesu FT-DX-9000D
Yaesu MD-200 Hi-Fi Desktop Microphone
Yaesu VL-1000/VP-1000 QUADRA SYSTEM HF/50MHz Power Amplifier
Digital: MixW RigExpert Plus log4OM Fldigi WSJT-X
CW: GRACIELLA from Begali

= ANT =
Rotation: CREATE RC5B-4P ERC-M USB PSTrotatorAZ
OPTIBEAM OB2-40M 40m-band Moxon-Yagi 42 meters above ground
OPTIBEAM OB2-30 30m-band 2-ele Yagi 39 meters above ground
OPTIBEAM OB11-5 10~20m band 11-ele Yagi 36 meters above ground

Other images

second pic
7J1ADS / Pic 2

Rev. 79e8212576