Saeby, North Jutland (IOTA Nr EU-171)
From 11-09-2022 until 18-09-2022 we will be in OZ again for a short Ham radio holiday.
Operators this year are Maarten PD2R (OV2T), PA1SVM (OZ/PA1SVM) and myself PA7JWC (5Q7DX).
I am a Dutch radio amateur and my Dutch Callsign is PA7JWC
For more information about me, please visit my PA7JWC page: or
We will be active on, CW, SSB, FT8 from 2 to 160 meters.
Hope to catch you on one of the bands!
Radio holiday setup 2022:: Icom IC7610, Acom 1010 and Elecraft K3 P3 Acom 1000, 5 band Spiderbeam, Dipool for 40m, L antenne for de low bands, IC9700 with 13el yagi for 2 meter and a verticals for 40 meter with 16 radials. RX antenne; (LoG) Loop on ground antenne. QO-100
QSL INFO: QSL via the bureau or LOTW preferred! E-QSL, not my favoritie, I only answers them. SWL-raports are also welcome and will be comfirmed with a QSL card.
Direct QSL ( Europe SAE with 1$ - Outsite Europa SAE with 2$ ) lease do not send me ary IRC. They are not vallid anymore in The Netherlands.