Call data Last update: | 2024-02-24 22:02:16 | QTH: | Nicosia, Cyprus | Continent: | AS | Views: | 376 | Main prefix: | 5B | Class: | Full | Latitude: | 35.1345070 | Longitude: | 33.2923000 | Locator: | KM65PD | IOTA: | AS-004 | DXCC Zone: | 215 | ITU Zone: | 39 | CQ Zone: | 20 |
Most used bands 20m (45%) 10m (21%) 15m (12%) 12m (10%) 17m (8%) Most used modes SSB (54%) FT8 (41%) MFSK (6%) FM (1%) SSTV (1%) QSL data Last update: | 2022-02-17 20:34:16 | eQSL QSL: | YES | Bureau QSL: | no | Direct QSL: | no | LoTW QSL: | YES |
| Biography Welcome,
my ham radio adventures begun at high school, when I joined the school amateur radio club 5B4ES at the age of 13. I was initially licensed as 5B8AH (class B) in 1993 at the age of 16. I continued being active in amateur radio all through high school.
In 1995 I co-organized my first IOTA dxPedition to Moulia Island in Cyprus where the team operated as C4MI. (Story)
From July 1995 till August 2000, I attended university in the UK, during which time I was not active in amateur radio. Round about October 2000 I run into an RSGB advertisement promoting the CW lessons that were being held at the time north of London. I signed up, and within a couple of months, I had succesfully passed my 5WPM code exam, and obtained my first full license, M0DEA.
I moved back to Cyprus in the summer of 2002 when I obtained my full, class A licence, 5B4AHZ.
Coming back to Cyprus, I also joined the local club in my hometown, the Nicosia Amateur Radio club. Soon after, I was elected on the committee of the Nicosia club, which I served until April 2007, at which time I was elected as the General Secretary of the Cyprus Amateur Radio Society (CARS). I continued serving from the post of General Secretary, until April 2015, when I was elected as President of CARS.
My main interests in amateur radio include:
Dxing, Contesting, Field days, Mentoring and Tutoring new, prospective radio amateurs. Worked DXCCs: Equipment FT-1000MP, Cushcraft A3S |