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2024-07-22 16:08:27 UTC









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image of 4j3dj

Call data

Last update:2023-09-23 10:30:38
Main prefix:4J
DXCC Zone:18
ITU Zone:29
CQ Zone:21

Most used modes

JT 65

QSL dataUp to date!

Last update:2023-09-23 10:31:00
Bureau QSL:no
Direct QSL:YES


Because of international situation, PLEASE email me before send a direct letter.

especially radio amateurs from USA. The US post has not forwarded letters to Russia since March 2022

THERE IS no bureau in Azerbaijan

I CAN NOT use the Russian Bureau because my callsign is not Russian.

That is why only direct with SAE and Postage.

FROLOV Alexander
P.O. BOX 38
Russian Federation

TThanks for the all e-mails that you wrote. I appreciate. I want to take out some misunderstanding for all of you.

Mostly I live in Russian Federation - Volgograd city.

But Azerbaijan is my native land and I always there during my vacations, to see my parents, to rest and of course! to work in the air :)

But since as I can't come to native home often but in same time I want to work in air often :) all those occasions when you hear me on the air this is because I am performing remote operation of my RIG. I just control the computer which is connected to transciever in Azerbaijan through the internet.

So... many people ask me... where I am working from?

My RIG is ALWAYS in AZERBAIJAN and never changes it's positon.


If you have any questions, please send them to my e-mail:

a few words about me

My name is Alexander Yurievich Frolov. I was born in 1982 in Mingechevir town, not small town in central part of Azerbaijan republic, which is situated 280km west from capital city Baku. I entered to 1st class of secondary scholl when i was 7 yrs old, and study there about 11 years. And now I became a student of Azerbaijanian Technical University. In which I was entered in 1999 year. My father is Yuri Frolov, callsign - 4J3M (ex: UD6DJ). From him, I was learned "What radio is". hi =) I got my license on 5th of may 1997. But the first QSO in my life I was made on September 26, 1990 at club station with RD7DWW callsign. Then I did not know morse code yet. And in 1999 after approximately 3 weeks of practice I was learned telegraphy well. My biography is not very big as you see. But i will try to refresh it sometimes.

After New Year's holidays (2002) i've got new license with new call 4J3DJ, and i can work almost on all bands and modes.

At June of 2003 i graduate Azerbaijanian Technical University with bachelor degree and entered to Azerbaijan State Economical University to get Magister degree. At 2005 summer i've got it well.

Also at 2003 i started doing my another hobby: Disc Jockeying. As a DJ, I took part in two national Dee-Jay's competitions. Went to many cities of Russia and capital city of Georgia - TBILISI. Music and Disc Jockeying is my most favorite hobby, same as HAM radio.

But most of you can think that "DJ" in my callsign means my second hobby Disc Jockeying. But is not like that. My father's ex call was UD6DJ (USSR time). That is why i took such kind of suffix in my callsign.

Worked DXCCs:


Transciever: Yaesu FT-920

3 element YAGI for 10,15,20 meters bands at the height of 45 meters

Inverted V for 40,30,17,12,80 meters bands at the height of 42 meters, hand made by my father Yuri

Other images

second pic
4J3DJ / 1

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