Hi I'm Alex (2E0AZU, previously M3ICN)
I like to recive and send QSL cards either direct or via the bureau. I PROMISE to respond to any cards recieved, and attempt to send out cards to most of my contacts. I am happy to recieve either through the bureau or direct, for my address, please send me an email!
I have been a radio ham since November 2004, I gained my 2E callsign in November 2005. I am very active on 14 MHz and I enjoy using RTTY and SSTV. Slowly learning the way of the radio... I enjoy longer contacts than 'Hi I'm X you are 5/9, bye' so feel free to talk for a while!
I like to try out different things, so keep an ear out for me on JOTA or when I try a SOTA activation.
I like to try new bands, and have a 'wonder areal' that covers everything from 160-6M as well as a dipole specifically for 14mhz.
Thanks for looking me up. I will reply to any QSL cards I recieve! (as well as sending ones out) Drop me a line if you want to send me a QSL card direct.
hope to see you on the bands!
Tokyo 50W amp
SOTABEAMS bandspringer
Moonraker LWHF-40
Bitx 40 kit radio