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home QRZCQ - The database for radio hams 
2024-07-15 02:58:25 UTC









Active user

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Michael Vogler
261 N Santine Road
Celestine 47521
United States, IN

united states
image of ka9gdw

Call data

Last update:2020-09-27 20:41:07
QTH:Celestine, IN
Main prefix:K
Federal state:IN
US county:Dubois
DXCC Zone:291
ITU Zone:8
CQ Zone:5
ULS record:3361385

QSL data

Last update:2020-12-31 02:02:01
Bureau QSL:no
Direct QSL:no


When I was around twelve yeasrs old I had a paper route and had a customer that had a CB radio station in his home and automobile. I was intrigued how voices came out of those beautiful CB radios! Then I confiscated my brothers transistor radio, connected it to a long wire antenna and listened to AM stations all over the world Quito Ecuador stands out!

Then I convinced my my parents allow me to buy a kit shortwave reciever. With my meager savings I bought an Allied Radio Star Roamer kit and I was hooked. I still have that Star Roamer which I need to have updated to modern componets.

A great resource of ham radio activity was the local Indiana State Police Post in Jasper Indiana. The radio station there was fully equipped to use not only police frequencies but ham radio and morse code (CW) as well. They had and used vibroplex keys, teletype (RTTY), Hammarlund shortwave receivers and the warmth of those big transmitters glow through the glass window of the transmitter room. WOW! I rode my bike there most every Sunday a good 6 miles round trip. What an adventure!

Like the most of us cars, girls, school, sports and working took precedence and did until I got married. Several hams in my area encourged, and mentored me back into the hobby. Thanks to Frank Craig, Al Miller-SK, Van Pittman-SK, Denny Fritz (N9ECY)

In 1980 I was licensed as a Novice with the call KA9GDW. Again marriage, three children and career took presedence.

However In 2008 I was again encourged by a local ham group in Princeton Indiana who advertised for aTechnician class. I successfully passed and recieved my FCC call KC9OFN.

Looking to retirement and after spending many miles and years traveling I decided to finally pursue my dream of truly enjoying the "magic of ham radio!"

I earned my General class license in 2015 and my Extra class in 2016. In the meantime I requested my old call KA9GDW from the FCC as vanity call.

I retired in May 2015 and am very active on SSB and especially state QSO parties, DX constest and Special event stations.

My shack equipment includes an Yaeso FT 450, 8800, 2900, Signal link and Echolink access.

Antennas: G5RV, Titan Eagle, JTB 2/440 vhf, MFJ 2/440 beam.

I'm a SKYWARN in our local EMA grouip and President of the Patoka Valley Amateur Radio Club which is an ARRL affiliated club. I saw the need for a club to promote, educate and mentor both experienced hams and new as well. I also am a member of the Orange County Amateur Radio Club at Paoli Indiana.

I use N3FJP and QRZ logging programs into LOTW and Eqsl. I do send QSL cards if desired and would appreciate a return card or confirmation in return.

What a great hobby that we are fortunate to have, enjoy and to share with others. After all, its in the amateur radio creed. Fellowship!

Oh, "the magic of amateur radio"

Thanks for reading and see you on the frequencies!




Yaesu 450D and Icom 7300 into a G5RV at 50 feet oriented North/South,
Alpha Delta multi band dipole oriented east-west, MFJ-1846 Hex beam, Yaesu 8800 Base and Mobile operating. I sue a Yaesu FT 60 and Arrow antenna for satellite ops.

DX Code Of Conduct

dx code of conduct small logoI support the "DX Code Of Conduct" to help to work with each other and not each against the others on the bands.

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